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Vehicle List Redesign

Vehicle List Redesign


Product Designer


Product manager


-82% processing time
+52% clicks on ads
+45.5% revenues

-82% processing time
+52% clicks on ads
+45.5% revenues

We redesigned the vehicle listing page of a stock management software used by car dealerships. The goal was to enhance stock visibility and performance tracking while streamlining key actions such as bulk editing. The redesign resulted in significant improvements in speed, efficiency, and dealer productivity, driving measurable business outcomes.

The needs

Dealers needed better visibility into stock performance data and a faster, more intuitive way to manage their vehicle listings. The existing interface was cumbersome, with inefficient navigation, unclear vehicle statuses, and a lack of bulk action capabilities. These issues hindered dealers’ ability to make quick decisions, reducing their overall productivity.


Just to give you a better context, this was the page...

Exploration phase

The exploration phase began by organizing a workshop with stakeholders to uncover key UX issues. We identified several pain points, such as unclear vehicle statuses, overwhelming number of filters and Inefficiencies in navigation

I then conducted a deep dive, not only to validate the heuristic analysis but also to uncover the main obstacles that needed to be addressed to achieve the primary goal: selling cars quickly

  • Lack of clear stock performance data, including sales tracking and vehicle segmentation.

  • Inefficient organization of filters and unclear clickable areas on vehicle cards.

  • Lack of bulk action capabilities, limiting the speed of operations.

Let’s unveil the new one🥁

  1. Interactive Dashboard

Developed a dashboard as the landing page, featuring widgets for stock performance metrics like sales data, stock segmentation, and price changes. Each widget linked to filtered vehicle lists for quick action.

  1. Enhanced Filters and Search

Simplified and reorganized the filter system, adding a quick search bar to help users find vehicles faster

  1. Improved Vehicle Cards

Simplified and reorganized the filter system, adding a quick search bar to help users find vehicles faster

  1. Bulk actions

Enabled bulk actions across the entire vehicle inventory, allowing dealers to select and manage vehicles across multiple pages, reducing the need for repetitive single-vehicle actions.

Measured impact in detail

  • 50% faster gallery access: Dealers now access vehicle galleries twice as quickly, improving decision-making.

  • 66% faster VIN and Plate copy/paste: Enhanced efficiency in copying critical vehicle information.

  • 40% faster price editing: Direct price editing within the vehicle listings reduced navigation steps.

  • 66% faster access to the publication page: Streamlined access to vehicle publication details increased workflow efficiency

  • Transition to dropdown sorting: More scalable solution for sorting vehicle listings by different criteria, such as days in stock or price.

  • Bulk selection across pages: Dealers managing large inventories saw a 75% reduction in clicks for medium dealers (242 vehicles) and 95.5% for large dealers (1,435 vehicles).

Potential impact over time, thanks to the Dashboard 📊

  • Decrease of vehicle inventory duration

  • Minimization of vehicles listed without images

  • Lower count of unpublished vehicles

  • Reduction of instances of vehicles with outdated pricing

Overall results

Processing time

Processing time




from 28 minutes, needed for a typical photoshooting, down to only 5 minutes per car.

Clicks on ads

Click Reduction




On average, the number of clicks fell by about 1.83 clicks per share.

% revenues generated

% revenues generated




Percentage of revenue generated by this single feature in relation to the total product revenue.